Sorry for the delay. I wasn't abducted, I just wasn't invited.
With the most important election of our time just a week away, there is a group of people who need to have their citizenship revoked- undecided voters. If you are undecided at this point, it would be more patriotic to not vote at all on Nov. 4th. The two candidates have very different views on how to run this country and have established that over the last year or so. Maybe these yahoos get off on the attention the media gives them. Maybe they like going into a room during the debates like a group of 3rd graders and pushing a lever up when a candidate makes them feel happy and pushing it down when they feel sad. No matter what the reason, if they haven't made a decision by now, they are either uninformed or unintelligent and should sit this one out.
All I want for Lent is to give up.
10 years ago
Typically what I do is find someone who is willing to admit the candidate of their choice. When they do so, and if it's the opposite of whom I'm voting for (in other words ... the wrong candidate), then I tell that person neither of us should vote because our votes would washout and it would be a complete waste of time waiting in line for no logical reason. Then I turn around and vote for my candidate (the right candidate).
To steal a word invented by John Lennon, "Imagine" a ticket with Dave the Painter as President and Joe the Plumber as his Vice President, and Sarah Palin as the hot hockey mom who likes to bang Dave Six-Packs and Joe Six-Packs. Now that, my friends, is a winning ticket.
On a different note, I had no idea Dave the Painter could write in complete sentences, and articulately too.
I don't think being undecided at this point means you are an attention seeker, unintelligent or a person that was undecided until a week or so ago, I was trying to gain more knowledge of both sides and I was being cautious that I wouldn't make and uninformed decision.
Some people just know they are going to always vote for the democratic ticket or the republican ticket, but then there are people like myself, that fall between the parties.
Back on track to Rick's washout vote, I do pose this question, is it a waste of a vote if you vote for the independent candidate?
Fizz - Think about it like this. I was brought up this way in the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran church...
You have good old God (subliminal message, subliminal message) and you have the young spunky Devil (subliminal message, subliminal message). Then you have something in the middle, pergetory, if you choose pergetory you're stuck until you have a chance to prove your faith again (the next election).
The church can really fool with your brain when you're young and impressionable.
I think you are a very intelligent person, fizzy, but what more could you want to know over the last six weeks or so? Barring a big scandal, these two read like a book.
I don't believe you can waste a vote if you think it is the best of the choices.
Voting strictly along party lines makes one unintellegent. Period. Think about it ... you're basing your vote strictly on party lines as opposed to the issues at hand. I simply plead with people to think on their own and form their own decisions, no matter if those decision or views are different than mine (which would make those decisions and views totally wrong, but I digress).
Sarah Palin would look good riding a ... mustache.
Maybe someone can answer this question...Does anyone know whether or not John McCain is more experienced than Barrack Obama? I'm trying to lock in my choice by next Tuesday.
Thanks - Twiggy
Can someone answer me this ... is John McCain a troll, or might he be a directly descendent of a troll?
The only thing that could possibly save the McCain/Palin ticket at this point is a totally raunchy girl-on-girl session with McCain's wife and Sexy Sarah Palin. Boing!
Is McCain double jointed? They way he flails those arms around he has to be. Can someone confirm?
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