Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back to the Future

Last night I jumped into the passengers seat of Doc Brown's Delorian and took a spin back to 1988 - I had my twentieth high school reunion. Memories of big hair, Ronald Reagan, friendship pins, the Twins World Series, and the cliques that happen in high school all came rushing back to memory.

There were about fifty former classmates that attended out of a class of 369 – kind of sad. When I first arrived it was cool, everyone saying hello and being cordial, catching up on twenty years of getting married, having kids, getting divorced, and some looking for Mr./Ms. Right number two.

It was a cash bar event and so the majority of people were hanging out in front of the bar. As the night wore on and the alcohol flowed more freely (typical east side party) the groups split up and moved to different tables in the banquet room. I couldn't help but look around the room and think that the social situation of the room was precisely where we had left off in 1988. In fact, the high school-ish type rumors even started back up, so and so is dead, so and so had a kid with so and so, it was really entertaining... As the hair bands of the eighties played in the background I watched a washed up Gymnast and a former book worm, now eccentric Yoga instructor, find a love connection that would have never happened in 1988.

Time really doesn't change people, but situations do change. As we move through life, have our triumphs, and make our mistakes I think we somehow become more tolerant of other people. Maybe we realize that the world we thought we knew at 18 is somehow more complicated at 38? At about 11pm I loaded my tipsy wife up into the Delorian and we charged it up to 100,000 gigawatts and catapulted back to 2008.

It's nice to be back.


Diesel said...

I would like to think that we become more tolerant but I think it is more that the adult world is so humbling, that it is hard to be as judgmental. Regardless of how it happens, it's nice that is does. Leave the keys in the Delorian, I'll pick it up in four years.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out if I am the washed out gymast, bookworm or any one of another castmates that played out in your high school reunion drama- forgot high school musical 3- we could make serious cash on 20 year reunions where we make the alcohol free- a "MTV real world" for 30 somethings???

By the way, I have watching for the signs for some time- you know, the signs that the end of the world is coming- and I have now found it. Todd and others are doing a BLOG- yep, that is it. Time to start stockpiling water, canned beans and making the bomb shelter, it cannot be far away now????

Diesel said...

I agree. The end is near!

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